It’s time to review your UK classic car insurance
February 26, 2025With Easter just around the corner, the prospect of sunnier weather, and days getting longer, it’s that time of year to get your classic car out of its winter mothballs and take to the roads once again.
Before setting out, of course, you’ll need to make sure that your classic car insurance not only remains up to date but also continues to provide the most appropriate level of cover you require – and at a cost-effective price.
What are the main things to check with your classic car insurance?
Owners’ circumstances are different – not to mention the extensive range of vehicles that qualify as classic cars. And insurance policies will be tailored to reflect all these differences. That’s why we offer such a choice here at Alan Blunden. For all the differences, though, there are some things you’ll need to include in any review of your classic car insurance:
Have you changed your vehicle?
- probably the most obvious checkpoint is whether you’ve sold your classic car;
- your insurance is particular to a specific motor vehicle, so if that’s changed, you must inform your insurer accordingly;
Have you modified or further restored your car?
- it’s not just a question of a new (to you) car, but whether you have modified or done any further restoration work on the classic car you already own;
- whether you’ve tuned it or restyled it, a ‘modification’ is typically anything that changes the vehicle so that it no longer matches the original specification from when it was manufactured;
- even the slightest modification can influence the cost of your classic car insurance, so you must inform them immediately about any proposed changes;
Has its value changed?
- whether it’s because of any modifications or simply changes in the market, the value of your classic car may have increased;
- a change in value is something you need to let your insurers know about so that the total sum insured reflects this – since the valuation will affect not only your insurance premiums, but also the maximum amount payable in the settlement of any successful claim;
A new driver – or the need for any change in the level of cover?
- if you’ve added an extra permitted driver of your classic car, that may affect the risks assumed by your insurer – especially if it is a younger driver;
- but there may be other reasons for double-checking that your classic car insurance continues to provide the level of protection you need – a change in the way you use the vehicle might be one of the more obvious ones, for example;
- your review will also take into account whether your insurer has introduced any new terms, conditions, or exclusions, since your last renewal date;
Have you moved house?
- if you’ve changed your address, of course, your insurers will need to know;
- not only is this the way the insurers and your broker will send you your insurance documentation, but where you live can also affect the level of premiums you pay – how densely populated is the area, for example, and what is the prevailing crime rate.
Have you changed where your classic car is stored?
If you have changed where you store your classic car, then please let us know, as this may affect your insurance premiums.
Shop around
Finally, it’s worth stressing that any insurance review is an opportunity to shop around and check that you are still getting the most appropriate insurance for your classic car – and at a price that suits your budget.
Insurers may change their policy terms, conditions and benefits, and you may be able to seal a more attractive deal by switching to a different company.
Contact us today for help in tracking down the most suitable classic car insurance for you – or to check that your current policy is still offering the most appropriate insurance solution for you.
Please call us on 01702 826060 and one of our friendly team will be delighted to help!