The importance of security and risk management when running a shop or office

September 11, 2024

If you are running an enterprise, you may have invested a tidy sum in the office or a shop from which to conduct your business. Your ownership of those premises – along with any of your business assets – has its advantages, of course, but it also carries the risk of loss or damage by intruders, thieves, or vandals.

Recent incidents of disorder

At the risk of fearmongering, it might be argued that our streets and neighbourhoods are less safe than they might once have been.

Although most environments are generally safe and peaceful, wherever your place of business is, there may be occasional outbursts of disorder, vandalism, and violence.

Southend, for example, has recently experienced extremely unruly mobs bent on wreaking havoc.

One shopkeeper has had to defend his store against machete-wielding mobsters determined to loot his premises, according to a BBC report on the 4th of August. This coincided with a night of violence in which a mob of rampaging adolescents ran riot along the seafront – resulting in the prosecution of eight young offenders.

Security and risk management of your shop or office

What can you do to reduce the risk of various kinds of mindless violence and mayhem from spilling over into your shop or office?

It’s an obvious risk you’ll want to avoid. But reducing the risks by improving security also directly impacts the insurance of your business premises. All insurers will expect you to take every precaution to mitigate any risks of loss or damage Some may even offer attractive discounts on your insurance premiums in recognition of particular security precautions you have taken.

So here are some suggestions for managing the risks and maintaining security:

  • there are many different types of security equipment favoured by insurance companies;
  • intruder or panic alarms are many and varied, for example – some might sound the alert locally while others might have a direct connection either to a security company or the police station;
  • video cameras and CCTV are in widespread use, not only do these systems provide real-time footage of events but also give you (and the police) valuable recordings of events within your shop or office  – and the costs of installation have reduced considerably in recent years;
  • however carefully you have considered the security of your premises and taken all due reasonable precautions, there remains a risk that violence and disorder threaten your shop or office;
  • first and foremost, in the face of any threat of violence, simply step aside and let vandals, thieves or looters make off with any of your equipment or stock – material items are not worth injury (or worse) to you or your staff;
  • if trouble appears to be brewing on the streets or anywhere close to your business premises, think about shutting up shop as early as you can;
  • if trouble erupts even closer to your shop or office immediately lock the doors to prevent intruders from getting in – to protect yourself, your staff, and any customers already in your shop or office.

In conclusion

It is better to take security precautions and manage the risks – however slight they might typically appear – than to be wise after the event.

Some insurance providers may offer discounted premiums on your shop or other commercial property insurance if you install alarms, CCTV, commercial shutters on doors and windows etc.

Finally, remember that the physical safety of you, your staff, customers, and any members of the public in your shop or office is paramount.

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